NameDr.B SivaKiran Kumar

Education Details

PG Diploma in Environmental Sciences
M.Sc in Analytical Chemistry
PhD in Chemistry (Chemical Oceanography)

Area Of Specialization

Marine Biogeochemistry

Research interests

Marine Biogeochemistry

Career details/position

2008- 2013: Research Fellow at CSIR-NIO, RCW, Visakhapatnam, AP
2014-2017: UGC- Post doctoral fellow (PDF) at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP
2017-2018: SERB-DST- National Post doctoral fellow (NPDF) at GITAM university, Visakhapatnam, AP
2018-2019: CSIR-Research Associate (RA) at CSIR-NIO, RCW, Visakhapatnam, AP
2020-2021: Sr. Manager at VisakhaEnvio labs, Visakhapatnam, AP
2022-2023: Project Scientist-II at CMLRE, Kochi, Kerala
2023- Till date: Scientist-D at CMLRE, Kochi, Kerala.

Research Projects

1. What are the possible sources of organic matter in the Bay of Bengal and what could be the fate of sinking organic matter in the enroot to bottom especially in the OMZ??? (UGC- Funded project).
2. Impact of Ground Water Discharge on coastal phytoplankton composition along coastal waters of India (SERB-DST- Funded Project).
3. Identification of drivers causing Ocean acidification in coastal waters of Indian Ocean and their impact on coastal biology. (Ministry of Earth Science- Funded Project).

Publication Link

Research gate
Google Scholar

Awards Recognization

UGC-DS Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2014)
SERB-DST National Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2017)

Other Information