Dr. M. V. Ramana Murthy

Dr. M. V. Ramana Murthy took charge as Director of CMLRE on 1st January 2020. Dr. Ramana Murthy completed his B.E. in Civil Engineering from Nagarjun University, Andhra Pradesh and obtained M.Tech. and Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering from IIT, Chennai.He has worked as a Senior Engineer at Vishakapatnam Port Trust before joining the Integrated Coastal and Marine Area Management - Project Directorate (ICMAM-PD), Chennai as Scientist in 1999, where he served for 10 years.In 2009, he joined the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai as Scientist F and in2013 he became Head of the Ocean Structures & Island Desalination Division at NIOT. In 2016, he was appointed the Director of the National Centre for Coastal Research, Chennai, a position he holds to date.During his tenure at various institutions of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, i.e. NCCR (formerly ICMAM-PD), NIOT and CMLRE, Dr. Ramana Murthy has made significant contributions, particularly in the field of Ocean Engineering. Dr. Ramana Murthy is a National Expert on Climate Resilient Coastal Protection and Management Project, CWC and has served on many national committees, including the Research Advisory Committees of CMLRE and NCESS and Governing Council of NIOT.Dr. Ramana Murthy has published over 100 papers in national and international referred journals and proceedings, has produced over 20 technical reports and has delivered over 50 talks in national workshops and international working groups. Dr. Ramana Murthy served as the President of the Ocean Society of India (2016-2018) and is a member of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) as well as IEEE.