Right to Information

1. Organization and Function


    Suo Moto disclosure under section 4 of RTI Act, 2005

      The Right to Information Act 2005 came into force for its enactment from 12th October 2005 to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority in India. Under this RTI act, the following information is given on the website of CMLRE.

        1. Organization and Function

              1.1 Particulars of Organization, Functions and Duties

                  1.1.1 Name and Address of the organization

                  Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology (CMLRE) Atal Bhavan, Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) Government of India Ochanthuruthu (PO), LNG Road, Puthuvyppe, Kochi -682508.

                  1.1.2 Head of organization

                  Dr. G. V. M Gupta, Scientist-G & Director

                  1.1.3 Vision, mission and key objectives

                  For organizing, coordinating and promoting ocean research and development activities in the country which inter-alia include mapping of the living resources, preparing inventory of commercially exploitable living marine resources, their optimum utilization through ecosystem management and R&D in basic sciences on Marine Living Resources and Ecology.

                  The Marine Living Resources (MLR) Programme envisages survey, assessment and exploitation of the MLR and studies on the response of MLR to changes in the physical environment and develop an ecosystem model for the management of the living resources in the Indian EEZ.

                  The Fishery Oceanographic Research Vessel (FORV) SagarSampada is fully utilized for these studies with the support of Vessel Management Cell (VMC). Earlier plan projects include surveys and studies in the EEZ with focus on deep sea fishery, harmful algal blooms, bioluminescent planktons, marine mammals, environment and the productivity patterns. These efforts are complimented through allied activities under MLR namely studies on benthos of the continental slope area, studies on biodiversity of plankton in Andaman sea, studies on the near-shore dynamics with special reference to upwelling and mud-banks, application oriented R&D on production of pearls from the black-lip pearl oyster, development of antifouling compounds from the marine organisms, modelling efforts and maintenance of a Data & Referral Centre on FORV collections. The ongoingactivities during 2017-20,with the in-house component, with a view to strengthen our scientific capability and infrastructure development in the newly inaugurated campus at Puthuvype during 2019. The scope mentioned above is proposed to be addressed by restructuring the 12thplan activities based on the IRC recommendations into the following two projects to be carried out during 2017-21,

                • Marine Ecosystem Dynamics of eastern Arabian Sea (MEDAS)
                • Resource Exploration and Inventorization System (REIS)

                The MLR programme in the above mentioned thrust areas have been taken up under the umbrella scheme O-SMART include studies such as MEDAS and REIS under O-SMART. These activities need to be continued to realize the deliverables/outcomes in the next five years i.e. 2021-26. Taking into consideration of the changes in the ecosystems and the interactions, the existing two main stream projects MEDAS and REIS are proposed to be continued during 15th Finance Commission period with a more focussed studies and activities to address the scientific outcomes that are useful and benefit the society. Ocean Acidification (OA) effects on the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal ecosystems and fishery oceanographic studies in the India marine ecosystem are now included to address the societal and climate change relevant issues on marine living resources. The CMLRE components under O-SMART are accordingly restructured to major themes as 1) Marine Biodiversity & Ecology, 2) Fishery Resources and Habitat Assessment 3) Marine Ecosystem Dynamics 4) Societal Development. The main objective of the major themes are given below, i. Inventorisation and mapping of marine biodiversity hotspots and species assemblage patterns of Andaman& Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands ecosystems ii. Assessing the fishery resources and habitat suitability of selected meso-pelagic, demersal species and major economically important small pelagic fishes in the Indian EEZ. iii. Marine ecosystem processes of Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal with special emphasis on ocean acidification and its potential impacts on biological dynamics. iv. Enhancement of natural stock of marine ornamental fishes in Lakshadweep through hatchery rearing and sea ranching and train coastal and island communities on hatchery rearing of ornamental fishes for their livelihood improvement. The CMLRE components under DOM are i. Technological innovations for exploration and conservation of deep-sea biodiversity: Inventorization of deep-sea fauna and flora of deep-sea hotspots like sea mounts, capacity building on deep sea taxonomy and genomic studies, development of biodiversity database, bio-prospecting using deep sea genetic material of microbes are some of the major areas to be focused.

                1.1.4 Function and duties

                CMLRE mainly engaged in coordinating and implementing the Marine Living Resources (MLR) Programme envisages survey, assessment and exploitation of the MLR and studies on the response of MLR to changes in the physical environment with the objective of developing an ecosystem model for the management of the marine living resources in the Indian EEZ.

                1.1.5 Organization Chart

                Organization Chart

                1.1.6 Any other details-the genesis, inception, formation of the department and the HoDs from time to time as well as the committees/ Commissions constituted from time to time have been dealt

                Centre for Marine Living Resources & Ecology (CMLRE) was established at Kochi in 1998 by upgrading the erstwhile SagarSampada Cell with exclusive facilities for implementing Marine Living Resources (MLR) Programme.CMLRE, Cochin under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India has been organizing, coordinating and promoting ocean development activities in the country which inter-alia include mapping of the living resources, preparing inventory of commercially exploitable living marine resources, their optimum utilization through ecosystem management and R&D in basic sciences on Marine Living Resources and Ecology. The Marine Living Resources Programme envisages survey, assessment and exploitation of the MLR and studies on the response of MLR to changes in the physical environment with the objective of developing an ecosystem model for the management of the living resources in the Indian EEZ. The Fishery Oceanographic Vessel (FORV) Sagar Sampada is fully utilized for these studies. On-going MLR surveys in the EEZ focus on bio-diversity, meso pelagic fishery and its environmental linkage, harmful algal blooms, Bioluminescent plankton, marine mammals, environment and the productivity patterns etc. These efforts are complimented through allied activities under MLR namely studies on the benthos of the continental shelf and slope area, studies on biodiversity of planktons in Andaman Sea etc.There are three major sections in CMLRE, (a) Research and developmental activities under MLRP (2) Vessel Management Centre and (3) Establishment and Finance. The detailed of three sections given in the Flow chart (Section 1.1.5)

                CMLRE is implementing different projects under the continuing plans/schemes of the GOI. Since inception under the leadership of the then Director, Prof Raveendranathan V, the centre was coordinating R and D projects under the umbrella of MLR in various research institutes/universities. Later in 2006, Dr.V N Sanjeevan took charge of the Centre and the programmes with a vision to expand it to National Centre on MLR in India. He retired in 2013. Followed by him, Dr. Madheswaran took charge as Director from November 2013. His successor Dr.M Sudhakar continued (joined September, 2014) to lead the activities and established a permanent campus in Puthuvype, Kochi during 2019. He retired in December 2019. Also, in-house research capability is strengthened and the journey was effectively carried forward further by Dr. M.V. Ramanamurthy (Joined as Director, CMLRE on January 2020 and relieved on October, 2020), and presently by Director Dr. G.V.M.Gupta.

              1.2 Power and duties of its officers and employees

                Designation Name Power and Duties of Employees
                Director, Sc-G Dr. G. V. M. Gupta Director/HOD
                Scientist-F Shri N. Saravanane Scientific activities related to MLR
                Scientist-E Dr. Rasheed Kunjumohammed Scientific activities related to MLR
                Scientist-E Smt. C.R Asha Devi Scientific activities related to MLR
                Scientist-E Dr. Sherine Sonia Cubelio Scientific activities related to MLR
                Scientist-E Dr. Anil Kumar Vijayan (on Loan to MoES) Scientific activities related to MLR
                Scientist-E Dr. Smitha B R Scientific activities related to MLR
                Scientist-D Dr.Hashim Manjebrayakath Scientific activities related to MLR
                Scientist-D Dr. Kusum Komal Karati Scientific activities related to MLR
                Scientist-D Dr. Sendhil Kumar Scientific activities related to MLR
                Scientist-D Shri.Telson Noronha Scientific activities related to MLR
                Scientist-D Shri.M Subramanian Vessel management cell – support/ Scientific activities related to MLR
                Scientist-D Shri. Vasu C Estate/Scientific activities rel1ated to MLR
                Scientist-D Dr.Siva Kiran Kumar Busala Scientific activities related to MLR
                Scientist-B Shri. Kishore Kumar (on Loan from MoES) Information Technology
                Under Secretary Shri. Dhanesh. P.G Head of Office
                Sr. Accounts Officer Smt. Jayashree Vinod DDO/PAO
                Section Officer Smt. Ajitha Kumari Dealing with all budget/accounts/establishment related matters
                LDC Shri. Unnikrishanan Timely preparation of all periodical returns and maintenance of all registers
                LDC Smt. K R Jaysree Payment related duties
                PA Smt.Sheeba Alex Work assigned by Under secretary and PAO
                FH Shri. K.R. Sunilkumar Onboard Deck Assistance
                FH Shri.M. Rathinavel Onboard Deck Assistance
                FH Shri. S.B. Prakash Onboard Deck Assistance
                FH Shri. V. Binoy Onboard Deck Assistance
                FH Shri. V.K. Pradeep Kumar Onboard Deck Assistance
                MTS Shri. K.K. Divakaran Multi Tasking Staff
                MTS Shri. P.V. Sasi Multi Tasking Staff

                1.2.2 Rules /orders under which the powers and duty are derived and exercised, work allocation

                The officers/staff of CMLRE discharge their functions based on the guidelines issued by the Government from time to time as well as those prescribed under different manuals, rules like General Financial Rules, Delegation of Financial Power Rules, Manual of Office Procedures, etc. Based on the Ministry approved scientific projects, works can be allotted to various scientific, technical and administrative staffs during the tenure.

              1.3 Procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability

                1.3.1 Process of decision making and identify decision making points

                Director, CMLRE is the decision making authority based on the rules and regulation as per GOI order.

                1.3.2 Final decision making authority

                Director CMLRE/Secretary, MoES, New Delhi

                1.3.3 Related provision, Acts, rules etc

                As per the rules and guidelines issued by GOI and approved by the MoES. Manual of Office Procedures, GFR Rule 2017, RTI rules etc.
              Department of Expenditure
            Department of Personnel and Training
          Right to Information

          1.3.4 Time limit for taking decision

          As expeditiously as possible

          1.3.5 Channel of supervision and accountability

          As per the flow chart described above

        1.4 Norms set by the Department for the discharge of its functions.

        While performing the duties assigned to the different officers/staff, they exercise by and large the powers prescribed by the guidelines issued by the Government of India from time to time as well as those prescribed under different manuals, rules like General Financial Rules, Delegation of Financial Power Rules, Manual of Office Procedures, etc.

          1.4.1 Nature of functions/services offered

          Mainly coordinating and implementing the R and D programme under MLR

          1.4.2 Norms/standards for functions/services delivery

          While performing the duties assigned to the different officers/staff, they exercise by and large the powers prescribed by the guidelines issued by the Government of India from time to time as well as those prescribed under different manuals, rules like General Financial Rules, Delegation of Financial Power Rules, Manual of Office Procedures, etc.

          1.4.3 Process by which these services can be accessed

          Through meetings and discussions

          1.4.4 Time-limit for achieving the targets

          The MLR programme have been taken up under the umbrella scheme O-SMART and major studies such as MEDAS and REIS under O-SMART. These activities need to be continued to realize the deliverables/outcomes in the next five years i.e. 2021-26. Taking into consideration of the changes in the ecosystems and the interactions, the existing two main stream projects MEDAS and REIS are proposed to be continued during 15th Finance Commission period with a more focussed studies and activities to address the scientific outcomes that are useful and benefit the society. Ocean Acidification (OA) effects on the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal ecosystems and fishery oceanographic studies in the south India marine ecosystem are now included to address the societal and climate change relevant issues on marine living resources. The CMLRE components under O-SMART are accordingly restructured to major themes as 1) Marine Biodiversity & Ecology, 2) Fishery Resources and Habitat Assessment 3) Marine Ecosystem Dynamics 4) Societal Development. The CMLRE component under Deep ocean Mission is (1) Technological innovations for exploration and conservation of deep-sea biodiversity: Inventorization of deep-sea fauna and flora of deep-sea hotspots like sea mounts, capacity building on deep sea taxonomy and genomic studies, development of biodiversity database, bio-prospecting using deep sea genetic material of microbes are some of the major areas to be focused. March 2026- completion of the projects mentioned above.

            1.4.5 Process of redress of grievances

            Internal compliance Committee constituted for redressal mechanism. Process by which any written complaints raised by the individual, submitted to the Chairman / Member secretary. Thereafter, the Chairman convenes a meeting with members and discussed the matter in details and take appropriate action as per the procedure.

          1.5 Rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by the Department or under its control or used by its employees for discharge its functions

          The officers/staff of CMLRE discharge their functions based on the guidelines issued by the Government of India from time to time as well as those prescribed under different manuals, rules like General Financial Rules, Delegation of Financial Power Rules, Manual of Office Procedures, etc.

          1.5.1 Title and nature of the record/ manual /instruction: Scientific files in different projects and reports, scientific papers, handbook etc.

          1.5.2 List of Rules, regulations, instructions manuals and records

          Manual of Office Procedures, General Financial Rules (GFR-2017), Delegation of Financial Power Rules, RTI rules etc.
        Department of Expenditure
      Department of Personnel and Training
    Right to Information

    1.5.3 Acts/ Rules manuals etc

    General Financial Rules, Delegation of Financial Power Rules, Manual of Office Procedures, etc.

    1.5.4 Transfer policy and transfer orders

    Under the control of MoES & DoPT, Govt of India

    1.6 Categories of documents held by the authority under its control

    Scientific reports and documents, Administrative documents/files, Account related documents, Library Books etc.

      1.6.1Categories of documents

      Scientific papers and reports, finance documents, Establishment /Administrative documents, Library Books and documents

      1.6.2 Custodian of documents/categories

      All scientific documents under the Custody of Project investigators, Finance related documents under the custody of Finance officer/AO, All administrative documents under the custody of Head of Office. All Library books and documents under the custody of Library in charge.

    1.7 Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority

      1.7.1 Name of Boards, Council, Committee

    • Research Advisory Committee (RAC)
    • Needs Committee:
    • Purchase Committee O-SMART
    • Official Language Implementation Committee
    • Publication Committee
    • Verification Committee:
    • Condemnation Committee:
    • Internal complaints Committee
    • Purchase Committee DOM
    • FORV Sagar Sampada Techno-financial proposal Evaluation committee
    • Local Purchase Committee (LPC)

      1.7.2: Composition of the Committee

    1. CMLRE Research Advisory Committee
    2. Sl. No. Name/Institute Capacity
      1.Dr. R. Kirubagaran, former Head, Ocean science & technology, NIOT,ChennaiChairman
      2.Dr. M.V.Ramana Murthy,Director,NCCR,ChennaiMember
      4.Dr.M.V.M Wafar, former Senior scientist,NIO,GoaMember
      5.Dr.Baban Ingole, Visiting Scientist, NCPORMember
      6.Dr.V.Kripa, Member, Coastal Aquaculture Authority & former Scientist, CMFRIMember
      7.Dr.V.V.S.S Sarma, Principal Scientist, NIO Member
      8.Dr.Sandip Mukhopadhyay, Scientist-F, MoES Member
      9.Dr.U. Sreedhar, Principal Scientist, CIFT-ICAR Member
      10.Representative, PD-MoES Member
      11.Shri.N. Saravanane, Scientist-F,CMLREMember Secretary
    3. Purchase Committee O-Smart
    4. Sl. No. Name Capacity
      1.Smt. C.R .AshaDeviChairman
      2.Dr.Kusum Komal Karati Member
      3.Dr. Shiva Kiran Busala Member
      4.Shri. Dhanesh PG Member
      4.Shri. B.. Kishore Kumar Member Secretary
    5. Official Language Implementation Committee
    6. Sl. No. Name Capacity
      1.Dr. GVM GuptaChairman
      2.Smt. C. R. Asha DeviMember
      3.Dr. Kusum K. K. Member
    7. Publication Committee
    8. Sl. No. Name Capacity
      1.Mr. N. SaravananeChairman
      2.Smt.C.R.Asha Devi Member
      3.Dr. Smitha B. R.Member
      4.Dr.Hashim M.Member Secretary
    9. Verification Committee
    10. Sl. No. Name Capacity
      1.Dr.Rasheed KunjumahmmedChairman
      4.Sri. Kishore Kumar B. Member
      5.Smt. Sheeba Alex.Member Secretary
    11. Condemnation Committee
    12. Sl. No. Name Capacity
      1.Dr. Smitha BRChairman
      2.Sri.C. VasuMember
      5.Smt. KR JayasreeMember
    13. Internal Complaints Committee
    14. Sl. No. Name Capacity
      1.Smt.C.R . AshaDevi Presiding Officer
      2.Sri. Telson NMember
      4.Smt. Sheeba AlexMember
      4.Smt.Jaleela Subramanian Non-Government Member
    15. FORV SagarSampada Techno-financial proposal Evaluation committee
    16. Sl. No. Name Capacity
      1.Shri. N. SaravananeChairman
      2.Dr.Smitha B. R.Member
      4.Dr. Hashim M.Member
      5.Sri. SubramanianMember Secretary
    17. Local Purchase Committee
    18. Sl. No. Name Capacity
      1.Dr. Rasheed KunjumahmmedChairman
      2.Dr.Kusum K.KMember
      4.Mr. M. SubramaniamMember
      4.Smt. Ajitha KumariMember
      5.Sri. C. VasuMember Secretary
    19. Purchase Committee for DOM
    20. Sl. No. Name Capacity
      1.Dr. Sherine. CChairman
      2.Sri. Telson NoronhaMember
      4.Dr.Hashim MMember
      4.Smt. Ajitha KumariMember
      5.Smt.Sheeba AlexMember Secretary
    21. 1.7.3 Dates from which constituted:
      1. Research Advisory Committee (RAC): 19.01.2022
      2. CMLRE Purchase Committee: 02.11.2020
      3. CMLRE Official Language Implementation Committee: 22.02.2021
      4. CMLRE Publication Committee: 14.09.2020
      5. Verification Committee: 07.05.2024
      6. Condemnation Committee: 07.05.2024
      7. Internal Complaints Committee:11.03.2021
      8. SagarSampada Techno-financial proposal Evaluation Committee : 03.12.2020
      9. Local Purchase Committee: 08.07.2021
    22. Term/Tenure
      1. Research Advisory Committee (RAC):19.01.2022 to continuing
      2. CMLRE Purchase Committee: 01.11.2020 to continuing
      3. CMLRE Official Language Implementation Committee:22.02.2021 to continuing
      4. CMLRE Publication Committee: 14.09.2020 to continuing
      5. Verification committee: 07.05.2024 (continuing)
      6. Condemnation committee: 07.05.2024 (continuing)
      7. Internal complaints committee: 11.03.2021 (continuing)
      8. FORV SagarSampada Techno-financial proposal Evaluation committee :03.12.2020 (continuing)
      9. Local Purchase committee: 08.07.2021 (continuing)
      10. Purchase committee (LPC) for DOM : 09.12.2022 (continuing)
    23. 1.7.5 Powers and functions:
      1. CMLRE Research Advisory Committee (RAC): Assessing ongoing research activities one in six months
      2. CMLRE Purchase Committee: For technical evaluation of indented items
      3. CMLRE Official Language Implementation Committee: The committee regularly reviews the progress made in the use of HIndi for official purposes
      4. CMLRE Publication Committee: Evaluation of publication papers, its ethics and science
      5. Verification committee: Physical verification of equipments assets and their performance
      6. Condemnation committee: Identify and verify condemn items
      7. Internal complaints committee: Solving issues in-house related to harassment of woman at work place other issues etc.
      8. FORV SagarSampada Techno-financial proposal Evaluation committee: To examine the proposal for the procurement of scientific equipments/ instruments connected to the vessel with regard to technical and financial aspects
      9. Local purchase committee : In case, certain items not available in GeM portal, the committee will survey the market to ascertain the reasonableness of rate, quality, specifications and identify the appropriate supplier
      10. Purchase committee for DOM: For Deep Ocean Mission project, the purchase committee constituted for all purchases made through GeM/e-procurement /e-wizard /LPC under Deep Ocean Mission.
    24. 1.7.6 Whether their meetings are open to the public:No, meetings are regularly attended by the staff of CMLRE working under MLR programme. Invited subject experts in MLR are included in special cases
    25. 1.7.7 Whether the minutes of the meetings are open to the public: No, Minutes are generally restricted within the committee and the staff of CMLRE. It is a scientific document, so it is suggested to incorporate through Intranet facility of CMLRE
    26. 1.7.8 Place where the minutes if open to the public are available: Minutes are generally restricted within the committee members and the staff of CMLRE.
    1.8 Directory of the officers and employees of the Department
    Designation Name Email Phone Number Intercom
    Director, Sc-G Dr. G. V. M. Gupta gvmgupta[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in 0484-29440044004
    Scientist-F Shri N. Saravanane saravanane[at]cmIre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440164016
    Scientist-E Dr. Rasheed Kunjumohammed rasheed[at]cmIre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440174017
    Scientist-E Smt. C.R Asha Devi ashacr[at]gmail[dot]com0484-29440144014
    Scientist-E Dr.Sherine Sonia Cubelio sherine[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440114011
    Scientist-E Dr.Anil Kumar Vijayan (on loan to MoES) anilkumarv[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440154015
    Scientist-E Dr.Smitha B R smitha[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440184018
    Scientist-D Dr.Hashim Manjebrayakath hashim[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440104010
    Scientist-D Dr. Kusum Komal Karati karatikusum[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440124012
    Scientist-D Dr. Sendhil Kumar sendhil[dot]r[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440134013
    Scientist-D Shri.Telson Noronha noronha[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440194019
    Scientist-D Shri.M Subramanian subramanian[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440214021
    Scientist-D Shri. Vasu C cvasu[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440204020
    Scientist-D Dr.Siva Kiran Kumar Busala bsk[dot]kumar[at]gov[dot]in0484-29440204020
    Scientist-B Shri. B. Kishore Kumar (on loan from MoES) kishore[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in 0484-29440254025
    Under Secretary Shri. Dhanesh PG us[dot]cmlre[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440084008
    PAO Smt. Jayasree Vinod ao-cmlrechn-moes[at]nic[dot]in0484-29440074007
    Section Officer Smt. Ajitha Kumari ajimattathil[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440284028
    LDC Shri. Unnikrishanan unnik[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440304030
    LDC Smt. K R Jaysree krjaysree[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440294029
    PA Smt. Sheeba Alex sheeba[dot]alex[at]gov[dot]in************
    FH Shri. K.R. Sunilkumar sunil[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440264026
    FH Shri.M. Rathinavel rathinavel[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440264026
    FH Shri. S.B. Prakash prakash[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440264026
    FH Shri. V. Binoy binoy[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440264026
    FH Shri. V.K. Pradeep Kumar pradeep[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440264026
    MTS Shri. K.K. Divakaran divakaran[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440314031
    MTS Shri. P.V. Sasi sasipv[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in0484-29440314031

    1.8 Monthly Remuneration Received By Each of its Officers and Employees, including the System of compensation

    1.8.1 Monthly Remuneration Received By Each of its Officers and Employees
    Sl.No Name Basic Pay (Rs)
    1 Dr. G. V. M. Gupta 188200
    3 Shri N. Saravanane 156600
    4 Dr. Rasheed Kunjumohammed 134500
    5 Smt. C.R Asha Devi 134500
    6 Dr. Sherine Sonia Cubelio 130600
    7 Dr. Anil Kumar Vijayan 130600
    8 Dr. Smitha B R 126800
    9 Dr. Hashim Manjebrayakath 91400
    10 Dr. Kusum Komal Karati 83600
    10 Dr. Sendhil Kumar R 83600
    11 Shri. Telson Noronha 99800
    12 Shri. M. Subramanian 83600
    13 Shri. Vasu C 81200
    13 Dr.Siva Kiran Kumar Busala 78800
    14 Shri. Kishore Kumar 69000
    14 Shri. Dhanesh PG 88400
    16 Smt. Jayasree Vinod 98400
    17 Smt. Ajitha Kumari 55200
    18 Shri. Unnikrishanan 45400
    19 Smt. K R Jaysree 50500
    20 Smt. Sheeba Alex 85100
    21 Shri. K.R. Sunilkumar 70000
    22 Shri. M. Rathinavel 70000
    23 Shri. S.B. Prakash 70000
    24 Shri. V. Binoy 58600
    25 Shri. V.K. Pradeep Kumar 60400
    27 Shri. K.K. Divakaran 37200
    28 Shri. P.V. Sasi 36100

    1.9.2: System of compensation as provided in its regulations

    The officers and staff of CMLRE are drawing admissible allowances including availing the facilities of LTC and medical benefits as per the order of Government of India from time to time.

    1.10 The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers

    Central Public Information Officer

    Dr. Rasheed Kunjumohammed
    LNG Road. Puthu Vypin South,
    Ochanthuruthu PO, Kochi-682508 Kerala Phone: 0484-2944017 E-mail: CPIO[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in

    The above email is given ONLY for filling online RTI u/s 7(1) of RTI act (life and liberty)

    RTI Appellate Authority
    Dr. G. V. M. Gupta
    Applete Authority (RTI)CMLRE,
    LNG Road. Puthu Vypin South,
    Ochanthuruthu PO, Kochi-682508 Kerala Phone: 0484-2944004

    1.11 No. Of employees against whom Disciplinary action has been proposed/ taken


    1.11.1 No. of employees against whom disciplinary action has been (i) Pending for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings


    1.11.2 Finalized for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedings


    1.12 Programmes to advance understanding of RTI

    1.12.1 Educational programmes:

    CPIO, CMLRE has organised session in RTI for scientist and other staffs of CMLRE.

    1.12.2 Efforts to encourage public authority to participate in these programmes

    Encourage to participate the RTI related programme through email and circular.

    1.12.3 Training of CPIO/APIO

    Dr.Rasheed.K, CPIO, CMLRE attended a training programme of RTI in Delhi during December 2016

    1.12.4 Update& publish guidelines on RTI by the Public Authorities concerned

    Regularly updating the details in CMLRE site . Last updated as on 15/05/2024

2. Budget and Programme


    Budget Allocated to Department and to each Agency under its control under the Fifteenth Finance Commission (2021-26)

Total Budget for the public authority

RE2019-20 BE2021-22 BE2022-23 BE2023-24 Expenditure on 30.03.2024(Rs) Remarks
OSMART 23,99,00,000 26,50,00,000 31,89,00,000 24,30,00,000 16,09,45,246 ----
DOM ----- 1,22,00,000 63,16,00,000 41,52,00,000 15,29,82,292 ----
Establishment ----- ----- ----- 6,60,00,000 5,59,78,370 ----

    Budget for each agency and plan & programmes

    See Table 2.1.1

    Proposed expenditures

    Same as 2.1.1

    Revised budget for each agency, if any

    Same as 2.1.1

    Report on disbursements made and place where the related reports are available

    Report on disbursements made in the Annual report . Visit Ministry Website

    Foreign and domestic tours

    Budget: Expenditure details under FTE and DTE are as follows

  • 2017-18: Rs. 61, 39,585/-
  • 2018-19: Rs. 59, 58,468/-
  • 2019-20: Rs. 48, 61,088/-
  • 2020-21: Rs. 63,7,362/-
  • 2021-22: Rs. 6,37,362/-
  • 2022-23: DTE –Rs. 23,84,185/- FTE- Rs.44,38,849/-
  • 2023-24: DTE –Rs. 26,95,493/- FTE- Rs.22,48,722/-
    • Foreign and domestic Tours by ministries and officials of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government and above, as well as the heads of the Department.- (a) Places visited, (b) The period of visit, (c) The number of members in the official delegation, (d) Expenditure on the visit

  • Places visited - Hobart, Australia
  • The period of visit - 16.10.2023-27.10.2023
  • The number of members in the official delegation - 3
  • Expenditure on the visit - Rs. 9,88,207/-
  • Places visited - Vietnam
  • The period of visit - 03.10.2023-06.10.2023
  • The number of members in the official delegation - 1
  • Expenditure on the visit - Rs. 31,466/-
    • Information related to procurements- (a) Notice/tender enquires, and corrigenda if any thereon, (b) Details of the bids awarded comprising the names of the suppliers of goods/ services being procured, (c) The works contracts concluded – in any such combination of the above-and, (d) The rate/ rates and the total amount at which such procurement or works contract is to be executed.

  • Total procurement of goods/services done during 2023-24 period - Rs. 17,62,08,135/-
  • Total procurement of goods/services done through GEM- Rs. 6,95,18,713/-
  • Total procurement of goods/services done outside GEM - Rs. 10,66,89,422/-
    • Manner of execution of subsidy programme

    Since the Centre is fully functioning under the direct fund allocation of Govt. of India, no subsidy is given to any person/organization.

      Name of the programme of activity


      Objective of the programme


      Procedure to avail benefits


      Duration of the programme/ scheme


      Physical and financial targets of the programme


      Nature/ scale of subsidy /amount allotted


      Nature/ scale of subsidy /amount allotted


      Eligibility criteria for grant of subsidy


      Details of beneficiaries of subsidy programme (number, profile etc):


      Discretionary and non-discretionary grants


      Discretionary and non-discretionary grants/ allocations to State Govt./ NGOs/other Institutions


      Annual accounts of all legal entities who are provided grants by public authorities:


      Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits of authorizations granted by the public authority


      Concessions, permits or authorizations granted by public authority


      For each concessions, permit or authorization granted - (a) Eligibility criteria, (b) Procedure for getting the concession/ grant and/ or permits of authorizations, (c) Name and address of the recipients given concessions/ permits or authorizations, (d) Date of award of concessions/ permits of authorizations


      CAG & PAC paras

      Half yearly statement of inspection reports by the CAG for the periods 2012-2013 is 2nos, 2014-2015 is 5 nos; 2015-2016 to 2017-2018 is 6nos. and 2018-19 to2021-22 is 9 numbers. Replies and action report finalized in respect of all the pending Para are under submission as on date.

      CAG and PAC paras and the action taken reports (ATRs) after these have been laid on the table of both houses of the parliament


    3. Publicity Band Public interface


      3.1 Particulars for any arrangement for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation there of

      : NA

        3.1.1 Relevant Acts, Rules, Forms and other documents which are normally accessed by citizens

        : NA

        3.1.2 Arrangements for consultation with or representation by - (a) Members of the public in policy formulation/ policy implementation, (b) Day & time allotted for visitors,(c) Contact details of Information & Facilitation Counter (IFC) to provide publications frequently sought by RTI applicants

        : NA

        3.1.3 Public- private partnerships (PPP)- Details of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), if any :


        3.1.4 Public- private partnerships (PPP)- Detailed project reports (DPRs) :


        3.1.5 Public- private partnerships (PPP)- Concession agreements.:


        3.1.6 Public- private partnerships (PPP)- Operation and maintenance manuals:


        3.1.7 Public- private partnerships (PPP) - Other documents generated as part of the implementation of the PPP: NA

        3.1.8 Public- private partnerships (PPP) - Information relating to fees, tolls, or the other kinds of revenues that may be collected under authorisation from the government:


        3.1.9 Public- private partnerships (PPP) -Information relating to outputs and outcomes:


        3.1.10 Public- private partnerships (PPP) - The process of the selection of the private sector party (concessionaire etc.) :


        3.1.11 Public- private partnerships (PPP) - All payment made under the PPP project:


      3.2 Are the details of policies / decisions, which affect public, informed to them:


        3.2.1 Publish all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing decisions which affect public to make the process more interactive - Policy decisions/ legislations taken in the previous one year:


        3.2.2 Publish all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing decisions which affect public to make the process more interactive - Outline the Public consultation process:


        3.2.3 Publish all relevant facts while formulating important policies or announcing decisions which affect public to make the process more interactive- Outline the arrangement for consultation before formulation of policy:


      3.3 Dissemination of information widely and in such form and manner which is easily accessible to the public:


        3.3.1 Use of the most effective means of communication - Internet (website):

        CMLRE WEBSITE (cmlre.gov.in)

      3.4 Form of accessibility of information manual/handbook:

      Yes (www.cmlre.gov.in/repository/publication)

        3.4.1 Information manual/handbook available in Electronic format:

        available in CMLRE repository (cmlre[at]gov[dot]in/repository/publication)

        3.4.2 Information manual/handbook available in Printed format:

        available in CMLRE library

      3.5 Whether information manual/ handbook available free of cost or not:


        3.5.1 List of materials available Free of cost:

        The desired information can be obtained by the general public from the following means:
        1. CMLRE Website (www.cmlre.gov.in)
        2. Printed pamphlets and Reports, digital and social media (cmlre twitter)
        3. Brochures and Pamphlets ( cmlre library)
        4. Articles/highlights in Newspapers/magazines-as and when published
        5. Exhibitions-as and when organised and participation in the national and international seminars/symposia/conferences

          3.5.2 List of materials available at a reasonable cost of the medium:

          1. yes (MLR Atalas (Rs. 2500/-), handbook on Bothidae larvae (Rs. 500/-))

    4. E-Governance


      4.1 Language in which Information Manual/Handbook Available

    • 4.1.1 English: Yes
    • 4.1.2 Vernacular/Local Language: We will upload RTI manual in Hindi, preparation going on
        • 4.2 When was the information Manual/Handbook last updated:

          Updated on 15-05-2024

            4.2.1 Last date of Annual updation:

            last updated on 15-05-2024

          4.3 Information available in electronic form:

          Yes CMLRE Website Link

            4.3.1 Details of information available in electronic form:

            Brochure,Pamphlets, booklets, handbooks on Journey of CMLRE, Department owned Research vessel FORV Sagar Sampada-details etc.

            4.3.2 Name/ title of the document/record/ other information:

            Details are available in CMLRE repository

            4.3.3 Location where available:

            CMLRE repository(online available; www: \\cmlre[at]gov[dot]in)

            4.4 Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information

              4.4.1 Name & location of the faculty:

              CPIO, CMLRE

              4.4.2 Details of information made available:

              Published documents

              4.4.3 Working hours of the facility:

              0900hrs to 1730hrs

              4.4.4 Contact person & contact details (Phone, fax email):

              Mr.V.Binoy, Fax;0484 2944006

              4.5 Such other information as may be prescribed under Section 4(i) (b)(xvii):

                4.5.1 Grievance redressal mechanism:

                Committee formulated for this purpose as ‘internal complaints committee’.Process by which any written complaints raised by the individual, submitted to the Chairman/Member secretary. Thereafter, the Chairman convenes a meeting with members and discussed the matter in details and take appropriate action as per the procedure

                4.5.2 Details of applications received under RTI and information provided:

                From 2015 onwards to March 2024, 158 Nos. of RTI application received. 127 Nos. information given, 27 Nos transferred to other public Authority

                4.5.3 List of completed schemes/ projects/ Programmes:

                (See website www.cmlre.gov.in)

                4.5.4 List of schemes/ projects/ programme underway:

                The CMLRE components under O-SMART are restructured to major themes continued during 2021-26 as follows; The CMLRE components under O-SMART are restructured to major themes continued during 2021-26 as follows; 1) Marine Biodiversity & Ecology, 2) Fishery Resources and Habitat Assessment 3) Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and 4) Societal Development. In addition to above, under the Deep Ocean Mission (DOM), CMLRE envisaged to address the Technological Innovations for Exploration and Conservation of Deep-sea Biodiversity which include Inventorization of deep-sea fauna and flora of deep-sea hotspots like sea mounts, capacity building on deep sea taxonomy and genomic studies, development of biodiversity database, bio-prospecting using deep sea genetic material of microbes are some of the major areas to be focused

                4.5.5 Details of all contracts entered into including name of the contractor, amount of contract and period of completion of contract:

                Sl No. Item Name of contractor Amount of contract(rs) Period of completion of contract
                1 Administrative operator or Office Assistant or Executive Assistant FIRST-MAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED No.41 , 1st Avenue, Defence officers Colony, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai, Tamil Nadu-600032 13,57,697/- 24 months w.e.f 31.08.2021 extended up to March 2024-
                2 Security contract M/S PREMKUMAR Security Agency, Room No. 3, TC 17/2768, Pattom Palace P O, Pattom, Trivandrum- 695004, Kerala 35,613.04/-Per security Guard inclusive of service charges and service tax (Amount claimed for one guard as per wage structure of April 2023 – Rs.38795.90/-) For two years w.e.f 01.09.2022-
                3 Multi tasking staff FIRST-MAN MANAGEMENT SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED No.41 , 1st Avenue, Defence Officers Colony,Ekkattuthangal, Chennai, Tamilnadu-600032 43,21,322/- 24 months w.e.f 07.09.2021 extended up to April 2024
                4 Taxi contracts SCENIC HOLIDAYS, 49/842 A Kaniyampuza Road Near Hotel Mermaid Vyttila . P. O Kochi -682019 Minimum Charge/day (up to 80 Km/8 Hrs), Hatchback – Rs.1,460/-, Sedan – 1,460/-, Premium MPV– Rs. 2,380/- Premium Sedan – 3,400/-, 17 seater - Rs. 3,800/- 11 months w.e.f 30.03.2022. Due to technical reasons extended upto May 2024
                5 Any other contracts-Rate contract for consumables M/s KochinInlab, Kochi Modern Scientific Solution, Scientific Enterprises, Kochi. M/s. Laboratory Equipment stores, Ernakulam M/s. Vision Scientific, Kochi M/s. Calgon Scientific, Kochi M/s. Associated Scientific Company, Kochi ------- One year w.e.f 20.09.2022-

                4.5.6 Annual Report Annual reports are being printed andpublished by MoES, New Delhi; inputs regarding Marine Living Resources and CMLRE are being provided by CMLRE:

                (see the site: https://www.moes.gov.in/documents/annualreports)

                4.5.7 Frequently Asked Question (FAQs):

                  Q.1. What is Information?
                  Information is any material in any form. It includes records, documents, memos, e-mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, logbooks, contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material held in any electronic form.
                  Q.2. What is a Public Authority?
                    A "public authority" is any authority or body or institution of self government established or constituted by or under the Constitution; or by any other law made by the Parliament or a State Legislature; or by notification issued or order made by the Central Government or a State Government. The bodies owned, controlled or substantially financed by the Central Government or a State Government and non-Government organisations substantially financed by the Central Government or a State Government also fall within the definition of public authority. The financing of the body or the NGO by the Government may be direct or indirect.
                    Q.3 What is a Public Information Officer?
                    Public authorities have designated some of its officers as Public Information Officer. They are responsible to give information to a person who seeks information under the RTI Act.
                    Q.4. What is the Fee for Seeking Information from Central Government Public Authorities?
                    A person who desires to seek information from a Central Government Public Authority is required to send, along with the application, a demand draft or a banker’s cheque or an Indian Postal Order of Rs.10/- (Rupees ten), payable to the Accounts Officer of the public authority as fee prescribed for seeking information. The payment of fee can also be made by way of cash to the Accounts Officer of the public authority or to the Assistant Public Information Officer against proper receipt. However, the RTI Fee and the mode of payment may vary as under Section 27 and Section 28, of the RTI Act, 2005 the appropriate Government and the competent authority, respectively, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules to carry out the provisions of this Act.
                    Q.5. What is the Fee for the BPL applicant for Seeking Information?
                    If the applicant belongs to below poverty line (BPL) category, he is not required to pay any fee. However, he should submit a proof in support of his claim to belong to the below poverty line.
                    Q.6. Is there any specific Format of Application?
                    There is no prescribed format of application for seeking information. The application can be made on plain paper. The application should, however, have the name and complete postal address of the applicant.
                    Q.7. Is it required to give any reason for seeking information?
                    The information seeker does not require to give reasons for seeking information.
                    Q.8. Is there any provision for exemption from Disclosure of Information?
                    Sub-section (1) of section 8 and section 9 of the Act enumerate the types of information which is exempt from disclosure. Sub-section (2) of section 8, however, provides that information exempted under sub-section 3 (1) or exempted under the Official Secrets Act,1923 can be disclosed if public interest in disclosure overweighs the harm to the protected interest.
                    Q.9. Is there any assistance available to the Applicant for filing RTI application?
                    If a person is unable to make a request in writing, he may seek the help of the Public Information Officer to write his application and the Public Information Officer should render him reasonable assistance. Where a decision is taken to give access to a sensorily disabled person to any document, the Public Information Officer, shall provide such assistance to the person as may be appropriate for inspection.
                    Q.10. What is the Time Period for Supply of Information?
                    In normal course, information to an applicant shall be supplied within 30 days from the receipt of application by the public authority. If information sought concerns the life or liberty of a person, it shall be supplied within 48 hours. In case the application is sent through the Assistant Public Information Officer or it is sent to a wrong public authority, five days shall be added to the period of thirty days or 48 hours, as the case may be.
                    Q.11. Is there any provision of Appeal under the RTI Act?
                    If an applicant is not supplied information within the prescribed time of thirty days or 48 hours, as the case may be, or is not satisfied with the information furnished to him, he may prefer an appeal to the first appellate authority who is an officer senior in rank to the Public Information Officer. Such an appeal, should be filed within a period of thirty days from the date on which the limit of 30 days of supply of information is expired or from the date on which the information or decision of the Public Information Officer is received. The appellate authority of the public authority shall dispose of the appeal within a period of thirty days or in exceptional cases within 45 days of the receipt of the appeal.
                    Q.12. Is there any scope for second appeal under the RTI Act?
                    If the first appellate authority fails to pass an order on the appeal within the prescribed period or if the appellant is not satisfied with the order of the first appellate authority, he may prefer a second appeal with the Central Information Commission within ninety days from the date on which the decision should have been made by the first appellate authority or was actually received by the appellant.
                    Q.13. Whether Complaints can be made under this Act? If yes, under what conditions?
                    If any person is unable to submit a request to a Public Information Officer either by reason that such an officer has not been appointed by the concerned public authority; or the Public Information Officer has refused to accept his or her application or appeal for forwarding the same to the appellate authority, as the case may be; or he has been refused access to any information requested by him under the RTI Act; or he has not been given a response to a request for information within the time limit specified in the Act; or he has been required to pay an amount of fee which he considers unreasonable; or he believes that he has been given incomplete, misleading or false information, he can make a complaint to the Information Commission.
                    Q.14. What is the Method of Seeking Information?
                    A citizen who desires to obtain any information under the Act, should make an application to the Public Information Officer of the concerned public authority in writing in English or Hindi or in the official language of the area in which the application is made. The application should be precise and specific. He should make payment of application fee at the time of submitting the application as prescribed in the Fee Rules.

                  4.5.8 Any other information such as - (a) Citizen’s Charter, (b) Result Framework Document (RFD), (c) Six monthly reports on the , (d) Performance against the benchmarks set in the Citizen’s Charter:

                  (a) Citizens' Charter involves the commitment of the institute towards standard, quality and time frame of project completion, grievance redress mechanism, transparency and accountability. As such the key components of a meaningful Citizen’s Charter are clear statement of Vision and Mission and objective statements, Project programmes and Activities, Specification of Time Frame for project completion that are being implemented by the institute. (c) CMLRE conducts six monthly Research Advisory Council (RAC) meetings and prepare the Annual reports submitted to MoES (www:\\moes.gov.in; annual report section) based on the targets achieved through the ongoing programmes and activities for implementation of MLRP programme.

                4.6 Receipt & Disposal of RTI applications & appeals

                  4.6.1 Details of applications received and disposed:

                  From 2015 onwards to March 2023, 133 Nos. of RTI application received. 109 Nos. information given and disposed off, 3Nos. pending for getting additional fees. 21 Nos. transferred to other public Authority.

                  4.6.2 Details of appeals received and orders issued:

                  1 No. of appeal received, 1 Nos reply given and disposed off

                4..7 Replies to questions asked in the parliament

                  4.7.1 Details of questions asked and replies given:

                  CMLRE provides input to MoES, New Delhi for parliamentary question, for details see the link

    5. Information may be prescribed


      5.1 Such other information as may be prescribed

        5.1.1 Name & details of - (a) Current CPIOs & FAAs, (b) Earlier CPIO & FAAs from 1.1.2015:

      • Central Public Information Officer Dr.Rasheed Kunjumohammed Scientist-E/CPIO,CMLRE, Government of India Oachanthuruthu (PO), LNG Road, Puthuvyppe, Kochi -682508. E-mail : rasheedh[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in Tel: 0484-2944017
      • Appellate Authority Dr.GVM Gupta, Scientist G,Director/Appellate Authority of RTI, CMLRE, Government of India Oachanthuruthu (PO), LNG Road,Puthuvyppe, Kochi -682508. E-mail :gvmgupta[at]cmlre[dot]gov[dot]in Tel: 0484-2944004
      • Earlier Central Public information officer Sri.S.G. Thekkedan Under Secreatary, CMLRE. Kochi
      • Earlier Appellate Authority Dr.M.Sudhakar, Director, CMLRE, Kochi
        • 5.1.2 Details of third party audit of voluntary disclosure -(a) Dates of audit carried out , (b) Report of the audit carried out:

        • i. TP Audit (2020-21) :29/07/2021
        • ii. TP Audit (2021-22): 06/09/2022
        • iii. TP Audit (2022-23): 02/08/2023
        • iv. TP Audit (2023-24): 15/05/2024
        Upload the Report: will upload
      (b) Audit Report available in CIC site and CMLRE site (link www:\cmlre.gov.in; www: \\cic .gov.in)

      5.1.3 Appointment of Nodal Officers not below the rank of Joint Secretary/ Additional HoD - (a) Date of appointment


      (b) Name & Designation of the officers:

      Dr. GVM Gupta, Scientist-G& Director, CMLRE

      5.1.4 Consultancy committee of key stake holders for advice on suo-motu disclosure - (a) Dates from which constituted, (b) Name & Designation of the officers:

      will update

      5.1.5 Committee of PIOs/FAAs with rich experience in RTI to identify frequently sought information under RTI - (a) Dates from which constituted, (b) Name & Designation of the Officers:

      (a) 12th July 2023 (b) Dr. Rasheed.K, Scientist-E and CPIO, Dr. Anilkumar Vijayan, Scientist-E and Smt. Ajitha Kumari, Section officer.

    6. Information given on own initiative


      Item / information disclosed so that public have minimum resort to use of RTI Act to obtain information

          Item / information disclosed so that public have minimum resort to use of RTI Act to obtain information:

          Reply to RTI related queries are given regularly, updating RTI related information in CMLRE website.(Link www:\\cmlre.gov.in; RTI section).

          Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW) is followed (released in February, 2009 and included in the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedures (CSMOP) by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, Ministry of Personnel, Public

          Whether STQC certification obtained and its validity:

          Yes, The STQC certificate is shown in the home page of CMLRE Website in the footer section (Valid up to 13th August 2022). CMLRE has initiated the process of obtaining valid STQC.

          Does the website show the certificate on the Website:

          Yes (At right side bottom of CMLRE Website)

    7. RTI Requests and Replies


    List of RTI requests and replies from CMLRE

    Information Sought by Registration No Request Type Request Date Replied vide Documents
    Mr. Sudarshan CMLRE/R/2019/5003 Request Received at CMLRE 14/06/2019 MOES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2019(h) Details
    Mr. Sanoj P. Chandran CMLRE/R/2019/8002 Transferred from MoES 14/08/2019 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2019(j) Details
    Mr. Sanoj P. Chandran CMLRE/R/2019/8001 Transferred from MoES 14/08/2019 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2019(i) Details
    Mr. B. Prem Chand NA Request Received at CMLRE 18/10/2019 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI2019(k) Details
    Mr. B. Kishore Kumar NA Request Received at CMLRE 14/11/2019 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI2019(1) Details
    Mr. Neeraj Kumar MOOCD/R/E/20/00005 Transferred from MoES 17/01/2020 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020(b) Details
    Mr. Shyamlal Yadhav MOOCD/R/E/20/00012 Transferred from MoES 17/02/2020 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020(c) Details
    Mr. Raghav Knoi NA Transferred from MoES 18/02/2020 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020(e) Details
    Mr. Mallikarjun Sidramappa Khuba MOOCD/R/T/20/00008 Transferred from MoES 01/03/2020 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020(f) Details
    Adv. Vijay Hans MOOCD/R/E/20/00002 Transferred from MoES 28/05/2020 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020(g) Details
    Sri. Syamlal MOOCD/R/E/20/00034 Transferred from MoES 21/08/2020 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020(i) Details
    Sri. Arun MOOCD/R/E/20/00035 Transferred from MoES 21/08/2020 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020(j) Details
    Smt. Ambika CMLRE/R/E/20/00002 Request Received at CMLRE 29/08/2020 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020(h) Details
    Shri Amit Kumar Singh MOOCD/R/E/20/00053 Request Received at CMLRE 09/11/2020 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020/1157-58 Details
    Mr. Adesh Ramdas Borgharkar NA Transfered from MoES 10/11/2020 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020(1) Details
    Shri. Raghav Kanoi NA Transfered from MoES 01/12/2020 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020(m) Details
    Shri. Subhrajiot Rath MOOCD/R/E/20/00063 Transfered from MoES 07/12/2020 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(o) Details
    Shri. Raghav Kanoi NA Transfered from MoES 05/01/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(a) Details
    Shri. Anirban Pal CMLRE/R/T/21/00001 Transfered from MoES 08/02/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(b) Details
    Shri. Rajakannan C CMLRE/R/T/21/00001 Request Received at CMLRE 10/03/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(c) Details
    Shri. Pavan Kumar Kamarajugudda CMLRE/R/T/21/00002 Transfered from MoES 17/03/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(d) Details
    Shri. DEV DATTA MAURYA MOOCD/R/E/21/00035 Transfered from MoES 11/06/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(e) Details
    Smt. Kaveri G Kuruvatti MOOCD/R/E/21/00035 Request Received at CMLRE 17/06/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(f) Details
    Shri. Ajay C Patel CMLRE/R/T/21/00004 Transfered from MoES 28/06/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(g) Details
    Shri. Sourav Kumar Suman CMLRE/R/T/21/00005 Request Received at CMLRE 17/08/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(h) Details
    Shri. Ankit Kumar CMLRE/R/T/21/00008 Request Received at CMLRE 28/08/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(i) Details
    Smt. Soujanya Sivarudra CMLRE/R/T/21/00009 Request Received at CMLRE 22/10/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(j) Details
    Dr. Bindu M P CMLRE/R/T/21/00009 Request Received at CMLRE 13/12/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(n) Details
    Shri. Ashok Kumar Upadhyay MOOCD/R/T/21/00032 Transfered from MoES 14/12/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020(m) Details
    Shri. Vineeth V.R CMLRE/R/E/21/00011 Request Received at CMLRE 14/12/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(o) Details
    Smt. Sandhini G.A NA Request Received at CMLRE 16/12/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2020(k) Details
    Shri. Manoj Kumar Singh CMLRE/R/T/21/00005 Request Received at CMLRE 20/12/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(p) Details
    Mr.Dipanshu Singh CMLRE/R/T/21/00007 Transfered from MOES 27/12/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2021(r) Details
    Col P. Georgethomas NA Request Received at CMLRE 31/12/2021 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2022(b) Details
    Bhupesh Kumar CMLRE/R/T/22/00001 Transfered from MOES 05/01/2022 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2022(a) Details
    Mr. Sajeev S.L. CMLRE/R/T/22/00002 Transfered from MOES 10/01/2022 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2022(c) Details
    Prasanth M.K. NA Request received at CMLRE 05/02/2022 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2022(d)/1657 Details
    N.T. Niyas CMLRE/R/T/22/00003 Transfered from MOES 09/02/2022 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2022(e)/1660,1661 Details
    Coll. P. George Thomas NA Received at CMLRE 16/02/2022 MoES/CMLRE/2-5(1)/RTI/2022(f)/1681 Details
    Shri M. Sandeep NA Transfered from MOES 07/03/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI section-CMLRE/1716,1717 Details
    Shri Akhil R. S. CMLRE/R/E/22/00003 Request received at CMLRE 28/03/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details
    Anusanker C. P. CMLRE/R/T/22/00004 Transfered from MOES 29/03/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE/1737,1738 Details
    Mohammed Siyad PVP CMLRE/R/E/22/00002 Request received at CMLRE 28/03/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details
    Nidhin Kumar A. P. CMLRE/R/E/22/00004 Request received at CMLRE 29/03/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details
    Anitha M George CMLRE/R/E/22/00009 Request received at CMLRE 05/05/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details
    Aparna K Babu CMLRE/R/E/22/00006 Request received at CMLRE 19/04/2022 RTI/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE/1790 Details
    Jain Johnson CMLRE/R/E/22/00007 Request received at CMLRE 04/05/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details
    Mujeeb Noufal CMLRE/R/E/22/00008 Request received at CMLRE 05/05/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details
    Ravi Kumar Pamisetty CMLRE/R/T/22/00005 Transfered from MOES 04/04/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE/1739,1740 Details
    Mr. Hassan Koya MOOCD/R/T/22/0025 Transferred from MoES 28/12/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details
    Pameela George NIL Received at CMLRE 20/03/2023 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE <Details
    Adv Pameela George NIL Received at CMLRE 20/03/2023 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details
    Sharath Chandra CE/RTI/2010(VOL III) Transferred from CUSAT 06/09/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details
    Agarwal LDA/RTI/582/DIPP Transferred from MoES 01/08/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details
    Ashly CMLRE/R/E/22/00012 Received at CMLRE 15/06/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details
    V Palani CMLRE/R/E/22/00013 Received at CMLRE 24/06/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details
    Hari CMLRE/R/E/22/00014 Received at CMLRE 28/06/2022 RTI/1/2022-RTI Section-CMLRE Details

    8. RTI audit report for the year 2022-23

    Ans. RTI audit report for the year 2022-23 Click here